Top 3 Benefits of Our Energy Efficient Double and Triple Glazed Windows

At ERG we’re shocked to see the number of our local community that still have their original single glazed windows on their homes.

Residence 9 Windows

Sometimes it can be tricky to replace windows if you live in a conservation area or Listed Building, but if you’re property isn’t one of these, there’s really no reason why you shouldn’t upgrade, and here is why:

Cheaper Energy Bills

Poorly insulated windows mean higher energy costs. Heat loss can be the main cause for your heating bills spiralling out of control as you try to keep your house warm in the trusty Scottish weather.  

But Double and triple glazed windows offer a far greater thermal performance, meaning far less heat loss and far lower energy bills.

Lower Carbon Footprint

The carbon footprint we are leaving on the planet is fast becoming a growing concern and it’s hard to escape the news that the choices made by consumers are vastly affecting climate change.

At ERG we are proud to offer our customers products that will actively help them to reduce their carbon footprint by reducing their consumption of heat sources such as gas and electricity.

Increase House Valuation

The housing market has become more energy-conscious, with energy rating now a prominent feature of the house’s property listing and worth. Overall ratings can be the difference between making a sale and not.

Seeing to the installation of energy efficient double or triple glazed windows yourself prior to putting the place on the market could increase the resale cost of the house and make it more sellable.

ERG’s thermally efficient double and triple glazed windows come in a range of different styles, just visit our special offers page for fantastic deals on many of these windows.


Everyone is welcome to come in and browse around our showroom, where our friendly sales team will be pleased to help with any questions you may have.


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